Pamela Campbell

  • What a session! 8,046 bills were introduced, and 1,246 bills passed. On Friday, September 1, 2023, 774 bills passed by the Texas Legislature during the regular session earlier this year go into effect.  The 88th Texas Legislature had considered dozens of bills affecting the treatment of animals in Texas, including several bills brought and supported by THLN. Let’s look at some of the bills that made it to the Governor’s desk for signature – and what impact those bills will have on Texas animals.


    A Special Thank You to the Champions Who Fought for Humane Legislation this Session!


    Passing animal welfare bills can be challenging, and every legislative session brings its share of the good, the bad, and the ugly. As an organization, we would have folded long ago if we couldn’t be grateful for the good while doubling down to overcome the bad. In that vein, we’d like to shine a spotlight on the Champions – and their hard-won victories for animals – that passed in the 88th Texas Legislature.

    First, we salute Senator Pete Flores, R-Pleasanton, and Representative Brad Buckley, R-Salado, authors of SB 876, the Texas Licensed Breeders Law. Also known as the “puppy mill bill,” SB 876 shines a bright light on large-scale operations previously able to avoid inspections and licensing. True champions Senator Flores and Representative Buckley teamed up with legislators on both sides of the aisle to ensure this monumental legislation didn’t stall during the process.

    Those legislators included longtime animal protection champions Senator Chuy Hinojosa, D-McAllen; Senator Jose Menéndez, D-San Antonio; Senator Royce West, D-Dallas; and Representative Jared Patterson, R-Frisco. We take it as a sign of good things to come that Representative Terri Leo-Wilson, R-Galveston, and Representative Suleman Lalani, D-Sugar Land, both freshmen, didn’t hesitate to sign onto the “puppy mill bill” as soon as they could. Champions act!

    A special note of gratitude to long-standing Animal Welfare Champion of the Texas Capitol, Senator John Whitmire, D-Houston. Longtime lege observers know that Senator Whitmire, the “Dean of the Texas Senate,” authored the original Texas Licensed Breeders Law in 2011 and was eager to close loopholes in the law. He also authored Texas' original Animal Cruelty Law (HB 2328 passed 2007) and the Canine Encounter Law, training law enforcement to safely engage with pet dogs (HB 593 passed 2015).

    During the 2023 session, Senator Whitmire was the Senate sponsor for HB 598, brought by fellow humane legislators Representative Matt Shaheen, R-Plano. Finally, Texas now has a law that forbids people convicted of animal cruelty from having further access to companion animals.

    Senator Whitmire also joined Representative Philip Cortez, D-San Antonio, and Representative Vikki Goodwin, D-Austin, to pass HB 4164, protecting Texans with disabilities and their highly trained service animals from “fake service dogs.” He also co-sponsored HB 3660 to protect community cats and the fantastic volunteers that trap, neuter, and return them.

    In all, Senator Whitmire has sponsored, authored, and supported over 30 of THLN’s priority bills, earning him a 100% humane scorecard dating back to 2009. Texans and their most cherished companions will benefit from his legacy of animal protection for generations to come.

    Likewise, we graciously thank Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, for adding to her lengthy record of passing animal protection laws. Partnering with House Representatives Cody Vasut, R-Angleton, and Briscoe Cain, R-Houston, Senator Zaffirini brought HB 3660 - a bill that animal control organizations, Trap-Neuter-Return providers, shelters, and humane societies alike have widely praised.

    It’s a Texas-sized understatement to say legislative staffers don’t always get their due recognition. We know that from the Chief of Staff to the Legislative Intern, the hours staffers put in are grueling, and the job is demanding. To these staffers, we thank you for your professionalism and dedication, and we appreciate you more than you know.

    We would also like to recognize the following organizations for the significant contributions they made this session: Animal Investigation and Response (AIR), Combined Law Enforcement Agencies of Texas (CLEAT), Houston PetSet, Mid-Cities Community Cats, Sheriffs' Association of Texas, SPCA of Texas, Texas Animal Control Association (TACA), Texas Pets Alive!, Texas Unites and Yaqui Animal Rescue. Teamwork makes the dream work!

    But of course, it’s not all puppy kisses and sunshine at the Capitol. We can’t hide our disappointment that a great-for-the-animals bill failed (HB 870) while some not-so-good-for-the-animals bills passed (HB 2127 and HJR 126).

    Representative Patterson is a rockstar for Texas animals, no doubt. He and his capable staff poured their all into HB 870, the Humane Pet Store bill. Had it passed, Texas pet stores would be required to source puppies and kittens from places prioritizing their health and safety. Opponents of HB 870 instead see Texas, with its animal-loving people and booming economy, as their last great hope to keep their outdated business model alive.

    These opponents openly thumbed their noses at local ordinances requiring humane sourcing of puppies and kittens and tried to protect puppy millers by defining them as “qualified breeders” via HB 3563. Qualified breeders are the same large-scale producers that ship puppies bred in bulk in far-off puppy mills. Granting them special status would have meant protecting operators who’ve defrauded customers by selling sick, defective puppies for decades. Thank you to everyone who testified, wrote letters, made phone calls, and sent emails to defeat this bad bill.

    If ever there was a “glass half full, glass half empty” situation, it would be HB 2127. This super-preemption bill, referred to as the “death star” bill, erases Texas cities’ ability to pass future animal-related ordinances. While we are immensely grateful to everyone who helped preserve the 17 humane pet store ordinances from HB 2127, we will never stop fighting for Texan’s rights to protect animals from cruelty.

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all the champions who weathered the ups and downs of the 2023 legislative session to make Texas more humane…now let’s prepare for 2025!

    2023 Legislative Session Report:
    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    *          *          *

    The Good: 

    Senate Bill 876 - The Texas Licensed Breeders Law 

    Background: In the 2023 Legislative Session, THLN helped strengthen the Texas Dog or Cat Breeders Act.  While the 2011 law successfully prevented animal cruelty at licensed facilities, loopholes allowed numerous large-scale breeders to avoid inspections and meet basic standards of care, by 2023, it was clear: the Texas Licensed Breeders Law needed reform to regulate commercial breeders masquerading as hobbyists.

    SB 876 requires breeders with five or more breeding females to be licensed. Previously, only breeders with eleven or more breeding females were regulated, which meant a large swath of the industry went sight unseen. According to a Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) study, unlicensed breeding facilities are responsible for the majority of cruelty and neglect complaints.  SB 876 also removes the need to prove a breeder sold 20 or more animals in a calendar year. Many breeders conduct cash-only sales, which are untraceable. By removing the “proof of sales” requirement, SB 876 closes a significant loophole that allowed commercial breeders to evade accountability. This legislation will effectuate change for thousands of animals across the state and allow the Texas Licensed Breeders Law to oversee the industry as originally intended.

    SB 876 was authored by Representative Brad Buckley and co-authored by Senator Pete Flores and Senator John Whitmire. SB 876 is effective September 1, 2023, and breeders with five or more breeding females must be licensed by January 1, 2024.

    UPDATE:  Between now and January 1, 2024, THLN needs YOU to ensure the rules associated with these changes to the Texas Dog or Cat Breeders Act do not allow loopholes for breeders to avoid licensure.  STAY TUNED and continue looking for additional updates throughout the rule-making process!

    View SB 876View the SB 876 Fact Sheet


    Photo courtesy of Mid-Cities Community Cats, Bedford, TX

    House Bill 3660 – T-N-R is not Abandonment  

    Background: In late 2022, confusion erupted over whether Trap-Neuter-Return (T-N-R) of unowned community cats should be considered “abandonment” under the Texas animal cruelty law (Texas Penal Code §42.092 - Cruelty to Non-livestock Animals). T-N-R is widely regarded as a humane method of stabilizing the feral cat population by humanely trapping them, transporting them to veterinary clinics for sterilization and vaccination, then tipping their ear as a sign they have been treated. T-N-R programs save thousands of Texas cats from euthanasia annually, and the prospect of prosecuting T-N-R providers for abandonment threatened to end successful programs across the state.

    HB 3660 updates Section 42.092(a) of the Texas Penal Code by defining a "Trap-Neuter-Return Program" as a means of nonlethal population control and adding a defense to prosecution for returning T-N-R cats to their outdoor homes. As a result, the law now clearly distinguishes between abandoning an owned companion animal versus releasing a T-N-R cat. Under the penal code, the unreasonable abandonment of an owned companion animal is punishable by a fine of up to $4,000, jail time of up to a year, or both.

    This much-needed legislation updates the penal code without weakening the penalty for actual abandonment and protects T-N-R providers from undue prosecution. HB 3660 was authored by Representative Cody Vasut and Senator Judith Zaffirini and goes into effect on September 1, 2023.

    View HB 3660View the HB 3660 Fact Sheet


    House Bill 4164 – The Fraudulent Service Dog Law

    Background: In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of non-disabled people misrepresenting their pet dogs as service animals so their pets can accompany them in public spaces. Increased incidents of pet dogs distracting or attacking service animals have diminished the quality of life for disabled people who rely on service animals to navigate daily life. After negative encounters with imposters, some businesses have denied legitimate service animals access to their establishments, and significant numbers of service dog teams have begun avoiding public spaces for fear of being accosted by untrained pets.

    HB 4164 amends Section 121.006 of the Human Resources Code by clarifying the language describing a service animal and strengthening the penalties for misrepresenting an animal as a service animal when they are not specially trained to help a person with a disability. As a result of HB 4164, the fine for asserting an untrained pet is a service animal will increase from $300 to $1000, and the offender may be required to perform 30 hours of community service for organizations serving persons with disabilities. HB 4164 was authored by Representative Philip Cortez and sponsored by Senator John Whitmire. HB 4164 takes effect September 1, 2023.

    View HB 4164View the HB 4164 Fact Sheet


    House Bill 598 – Post-Conviction Possession Ban

    Background: As of May 2023, thirty-nine states have laws commonly called “possession bans” to prohibit persons convicted of animal cruelty from owning companion animals for a fixed period of time. The most common length of time a person is prohibited from possessing animals after conviction is five years. Some states go so far as to limit the ability of offenders to work with or ever own a companion animal again. In 2021, the Texas legislature passed an animal possession ban, but it was limited in scope compared to other states. The ban only covered the animals harmed in the offense and any other animals possessed by the offender at the time of the abuse. Additionally, the Texas ban only applied in cases where the offender was under community supervision (i.e., probation or jail). Once their sentence was served, there was no prohibition on offenders acquiring more animals.

    HB 598 Amends Chapter 42 of the Texas Penal Code by adding Section 42.107, which makes it a crime for a person previously convicted of animal cruelty to possess a non-livestock animal (i.e., companion animals such as a cat or a dog) for a period of five years after conviction. HB 598 also enhances the penalty for repeat violations under Section 42.107 from a Class C misdemeanor to a Class B. Decades of research show that violence inflicted on animals is the single greatest predictor that the offender will hurt people. HB 598 closes a significant gap in Texas law to prevent future violence by disrupting an offender’s access to animals for a significant, but not open-ended, period of time. The legislation was authored by Representative Matt Shaheen and sponsored by Senator John Whitmire and takes effect September 1, 2023.

    View HB 598View the HB 598 Fact Sheet


    House Bill 2063 - Informed Consent on Overnight Boarding

    In response to the tragic 2021 Ponderosa boarding kennel fire in Georgetown, Texas, HB 2063 required kennel facility operators (those who are providing boarding services for breeding, sheltering, training, hunting, “or similar purposes” for more than three dogs for compensation) to provide written notice to dog and cat owners if their pet will be left unattended and without a fire sprinkler system. 

    The legislation was authored by Representative James Talarico and sponsored by Senator Charles Schwertner and takes effect September 1, 2023.

    View HB 2063

    *          *          *

    The Bad: 

    Photo courtesy of Animal Investigation and Response

    House Bill 2127 – The Texas Regulatory Consistency Act

    HB 2127 preempts Texas’ municipalities from regulating activity under several sections of Texas code unless that authority is expressly granted under another statute. The following is limited to the impact HB 2127 may have on ordinances involving certain animals affected by the law.

    HB 2127 amends Chapter 229 of the Texas Local Government Code by prohibiting municipalities from adopting or enforcing regulations concerning “the breeding, care, treatment, or sale of animals or animal products, including a veterinary practice, or the business’s transactions if the person operating that business holds a license for the business that is issued by the federal government or a state.” THLN was instrumental in ensuring protection relating to previous ordinances passed, including humane pet store ordinances.  While HB 2127 bars local government from passing future ordinances of this type, pet store ordinances adopted before April 1, 2023, remain enforceable until a statewide law regulating pet store sales is passed.  

    UPDATE:  It is uncertain to what extent HB 2127 will impair local authorities’ ability to protect consumers who purchase animals.  Lawsuits have been filed in Houston and San Antonio to repeal HB 2127 and one court recently granted the Motion for Summary Judgement by the cities.  THLN would not advise municipalities to remove any sections currently in their respective ordinances.  Depending on the outcome of these lawsuits, a future City Council must again pass the ordinance if the lawsuits prevail or the legislature makes changes in 2025.  HB2127 does not require a municipality to repeal any ordinances; they only prohibit the enforcement of certain requirements.  STAY TUNED for more updates on the constitutionality of HB 2127.

     If you have any questions relating to HB 2127, please email [email protected]

    *          *          *

    The Ugly: 


    Anonymous picture of a cow in a backyard taken after HB 1750 passed in 2023.

    House Joint Resolution 126 - Constitutional Right-to-Farm 

    House Joint Resolution 126, dubbed the “Right-to-Farm Amendment”, proposes amending the Texas Constitution to enshrine a right to engage in commercial agricultural activities on private property inside city limits. Under HJR 126, this includes raising livestock and poultry, harvesting timber, and managing wildlife. The proposition will be on the November 7, 2023, Texas ballot. Suppose a majority of voters approve the proposition to amend the Texas Constitution. In that case, cities cannot regain control over agricultural operations in their jurisdictions by amending or repealing state law. Instead, they will face the task of repealing a Constitutional Amendment.


    Ballot Language: "The constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management.” 

    Brief Explanation: Proposition 1 would establish the right of every Texans to participate in generally accepted farm, ranch, timber production, horticulture, or wildlife management practices on real property they owned or leased.

    Recommendation: OPPOSE

    Keep reading to understand more about how the “Right-to-Farm” limits cities’ local control over the treatment of animals in agricultural operations, what constitutes an agricultural operation, and legal action that can be taken against operations posing a nuisance. The discussion of HB 1750 and HB 2308 below details what the “Right-to-Farm” now means in state law per the passage of HB 1750 and HB 2308.

    View HJR 126


    House Bill 1750 – Right-to-Farm in Municipalities  

    Even if voters do not agree to amend the Texas Constitution by adding a “Right-to-Farm,” the Legislature effectively codified a “Right-to-Farm in the City” by passing House Bill 1750 in 2023. 

    Historically, Texas cities with populations of 5,000 or more could regulate agricultural operations in city limits, such as livestock and poultry operations, so long as those regulations did not contradict state law. If a city annexed territory with preexisting agricultural operations, the city could regulate those operations after demonstrating that the regulation was necessary to protect the public.

    HB 1750 amended the Texas Agriculture Code so that the requirement for cities to prove local regulation is necessary to protect the public is no longer limited to the newly annexed territory. Instead, agricultural operations cannot be regulated locally unless (1) the city health department issues a report showing the operation poses a dire hazard to people in the immediate vicinity; and (2) the city council passes a resolution authorizing the regulation. Thus, HB 1750 preempts cities’ ability to proactively prevent harm by requiring cities to show harm after the fact.

    Regarding ordinances regulating the care of animals, HB 1750 preempts cities from passing or enforcing regulations that prohibit “generally accepted agricultural practices” for animals in agricultural operations. Yet, HB 1750 does not define that term. Instead, HB 1750 directs the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to detail which practices are generally accepted in a forthcoming manual. Two provisions in HB 1750 are specific to companion animals. First, HB 1750 adds veterinary clinics to the businesses protected by the “Right-to-Farm” list because they service agricultural operations. 

    Second, HB 1750 prohibits cities from enforcing local tethering ordinances for dogs guarding livestock.  To be clear, HB 1750 does not invalidate SB 5 - the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act passed in 2021. The Safe Outdoor Dogs Act amended state law (not local ordinances) and is still enforceable. Just like all other dogs tethered outdoors in Texas, livestock guard dogs must be provided adequate shelter and drinkable water and cannot be tethered by chains. HB 1750 is effective September 1, 2023. 

    UPDATE 4/1/2024: Texas House Bill 1750, Section 251.007, stipulates the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, an agriculture and natural resources education agency, was tasked to develop a manual identifying generally accepted agricultural practices and indicating which of those practices do not pose a threat to public health, including a threat to public health posed by a danger listed in Section 251.0055(a)(1). Click HERE to view this manual. This manual has been prepared according to the generally accepted agricultural practices that would guide landowners, farmers, ranchers, managers, and workers on agricultural operations. It was written and peer reviewed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialists and faculty with advanced academic expertise. This manual contains generally accepted agricultural practices as of January 1, 2024. It will be reviewed and updated as necessary.

    View HB 1750


    House Bill 2308 - Right-to-Farm Despite Agricultural Nuisances

    HB 2308 works with HB 1750 to shield agricultural operations from city regulation by limiting the circumstances under which they can be sued. In particular, HB 2308 amended the Texas Agriculture Code so that parties bringing nuisance lawsuits against agricultural operations must show clear and convincing evidence of harm. If they lose in court, the party that brought the lawsuit must pay the operation’s attorneys’ fees and court costs. Additionally, a party must file the nuisance lawsuit within one year of the operation’s start date. Thus, agricultural operations in cities operating for more than a year cannot be sued for nuisances such as odor and runoff from animal waste or toxic chemicals. Aside from undermining thousands of local ordinances passed by Texas’ 1,200 cities to protect the health and safety of people and animals in their communities, many city officials believe HB 2308 will lower residents’ property values. This, in turn, could impact city revenues and further hinder cities’ ability to prevent harm. HB 2308 goes into effect on September 1, 2023.

    View HB 2308


    If you have any questions about these laws, please email [email protected].


    The Texas Humane Legislation Network’s (THLN) mission is to promote the humane treatment of animals through legislation, education, and advocacy.Since 1975, THLN has solidified itself as the ONLY Texas-based mainstream organization that follows no national agenda, only what’s good for Texas and its animals. 

    Our IRS status as a 501c4 allows us to be political animal advocates, by lobbying and working with our representatives to fix our lenient animal cruelty laws.  While there are *thousands* of 501c3s in Texas formed to help animals, they are *VERY* limited in how much they can lobby, and are outright prohibited from participating in any partisan activities. 

  • Second Puppy Mill


    Letter Being Sent on Your Behalf

    Dear Representative,

    I am a constituent writing to ask you to support the Safe Outdoor Dogs bill (HB 873/SB 474) and ensure dogs are kept safe while restrained outdoors – safe for them and safe for us.

    Dogs that are inhumanely tied up can be hurt or killed and can also pose a public safety threat to the unsuspecting public around them. The bill establishes a basic standard of shelter and care for restrained outdoor dogs and provides much-needed clarification to the current law so it can function as lawmakers intended. Safe Outdoor Dogs (HB 873/SB 474) improves the current law by: 

    • Defining adequate shelter to protect dogs from extreme temperatures, standing water, and ensure the dog can stand, turn around, and lie down.
    • Requiring access to water.
    • Prohibiting the use of heavy chain restraints, which cause injury and aggravate the dog.
    • Striking the mandatory 24-hour waiting period to allow law enforcement to address critical and dangerous situations immediately.

    Safe Outdoor Dogs (HB 873/SB 474) also includes key exemptions to protect Texas dog owners' freedoms. The bill does not include these requirements for dogs performing herding, farming, or hunting activities, those in public places including campsites, and while temporarily unattended in a stationary, open-air truck bed. 

    As we, unfortunately, saw during this year’s winter storm, many dogs died; this legislation could have saved that, and many more could die as we approach hot summer months. I ask that you join us, along with hundreds of animal control officers, shelter managers, and prosecutors in Texas, to support Safe Outdoor Dogs (HB 873/SB 474) and protect Texas dogs and the people around them.  

    Thank you for your service to this district and the state of Texas!

  • In A Victory For Animal Welfare, The Texas Sunset Commission Votes To Maintain The Licensed Breeders Program

    Jan 13, 2021

    THLN helped to establish the Program in 2011, which has been instrumental in preventing puppy mill practices.

    Austin, Texas – Today, the Texas Sunset Commission voted to maintain the Licensed Breeders Program under the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation after a prolonged and challenging review cycle due to COVID-19.

    Over the past few months, the Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) ran a letter-writing campaign to raise awareness about the Program. By the time the vote was taken, Texans had sent over 8,700 letters to legislators in support of the Program.

    “Maintaining the Licensed Breeders Program is a huge win for animals and consumers across Texas,” said Shelby Bobosky, Executive Director of the THLN. “The Program is essential to stopping cruel and unethical puppy mill practices and it will be allowed to continue thanks to the members of the Sunset Commission.”

    In 2011, THLN helped establish and implement the Licensed Breeders Program to provide state oversight on breeders in Texas, many of whom operate outside of broad USDA regulations. The Program establishes basic standards of care in large-scale breeding facilities and prevents animal cruelty by allowing the state to inspect breeding facilities before opening and to conduct out-of-cycle inspections. The Program also prevents bad actors with animal cruelty charges from legally running a commercial breeding operation.

    “We are so thankful for all of the people who took action in support of the Licensed Breeders Program,” said Bobosky. “Our advocates’ efforts undoubtedly helped save the Program, and the lives of thousands of animals in the process.”

    For more information on THLN's work to maintain the Texas Licensed Breeders Program or to schedule an interview with THLN, please contact Cara Gustafson at 561-797-8267 or [email protected]



    January 13, 2021

    Cara Gustafson
    [email protected]
    (561) 797-8267

  • Webinar Wednesday: A Deep Dive into Texas Animal Bills

    PRESENTER: Jaime Olin

    With so many bills filed each session, it can be difficult to know which ones really matter, and how they will impact Texas animals if passed. This webinar will explore several key pieces of legislation that will be at the Capitol in 2021, including the Safe Outdoor Dogs bill, the Licensed Breeders Program, the Working Animals bill, and the Possession Ban bill. We’ll talk about the details and importance of each bill, the implications to animals, and answer any of your questions so you’ll be armed with all the relevant information as we make our way into the Session.

    After signup below you will receive an auto-response email with a link to the webinar.


    February 28, 2029 at 12:00pm

  • The ABC's of Texas Puppy Mills

    Check out this webinar to hear from Mindi Callison, Executive Director, of Bailing Out Benji. Mindi will discuss all things puppy mills and focus on the ABCs of puppy mills, why regulating puppy mills is important, and why Texas is unique in terms of selling puppies from puppy mills in other states. Learn what we need to do now as advocates to help protect dogs currently in large-scale breeding facilities in Texas.

    Mindi Callison is the Founder and Executive Director of the National nonprofit organization, Bailing Out Benji which focuses on the grassroots effort to combat the puppy mill industry. Mindi founded Bailing Out Benji at 21 years old after falling victim to the puppy mill industry by way of a local pet store, which offered her a credit card with high interest. Upon learning about the pet store/puppy mill connection and learning about the predatory lending practices that these stores utilize to take advantage of low-income families, Mindi knew that she needed to act. Bailing Out Benji and its research has been instrumental in passing humane ordinances across the country, they have also been one of the driving forces behind exposing the national puppy laundering scheme that is currently happening in numerous states.

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar. 

    March 17, 2029 at 5:00pm

  • How to Keep People & their Pets Together as the COVID-19 Crisis Deepens

    As the country continues to suffer the effects of COVID-19, the animal welfare field is evolving the way we respond to crises and offer community support. Housing insecurity, although not new, has been exacerbated by the pandemic. Learn about how the animal welfare community is responding to the eviction crisis and how you can get involved to help keep people and their pets together. 

    Special guest, Lauren Loney, Texas State Director for the Humane Society of the United States, discusses how to keep people and their pets together as the COVID crisis deepens.

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar. 

    March 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Service & Emotional Support Animals: the Dos and Don’ts on Animal Accommodation Laws for Texas Cities

    Under Texas law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities may bring their service animals to all public accommodations, such as government buildings, hotels, restaurants, stadiums, and stores. These laws also require those who operate transportation services to allow service animals. But recent trends show confusion with emotional support animals and the varying definitions.

    Animal Law Expert and Animal Lawyer Randy Turner will present on service animals and emotional support animals as defined by federal laws and supporting state laws. This one hour webinar will examine how cities and municipalities can follow federal and state laws in accordance with handling these animals and how to avoid the pitfalls in applying these laws in their own cities.

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  

    April 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Texas Civil Seizure Law for Animals: Texas' Best Kept Secret

    Under Texas law, animals seized as evidence under the Texas Penal Code may be held for long periods of time while the arrested violator’s criminal trial makes its way through the justice system. Many don't know about the civil seizure law wherein abused animals can be seized under the Texas Health and Safety Code, which carries less of a burden of proof, no arrest, and allows the animals' disposition within a ten-day period, pending any appeals. In this webinar, learn all about the Texas civil seizure law, when to use it and how it is a great alternative in removing cruelly treated animals. 

    Animal lawyer and animal law expert Lara Tomlin is an appellate attorney at the Denton County District Attorney's office. She is board certified in Criminal Appellate Law and handles animal-related cases, including seizure hearings for cruelly treated animals. She has also served on the Denton Animal Support Foundation board of directors, an organization that supports the Denton Animal Shelter. 

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  

    April 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Texas Puppy Mills: Saving the Program that Regulates Large-Scale Breeders

    THLN Executive Director, Shelby Bobosky, along with special guests Jaime Olin, THLN Legislative Chair, Monica Ailey, AIR President, and Lauren Loney, HSUS Texas State Director discuss navigating the legal landscape of large-scale breeding facilities in Texas. This webinar will include basic information on puppy mills, what led to the passage of the Texas Dog & Cat Breeder Act, and how you can help preserve it. 

    Whether you simply want to educate yourself on puppy mills or understand the Breeders Program better, THLN needs your help to achieve justice for dogs and cats in large-scale breeding facilities!

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  

    May 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Your Vote Counts This Summer!

    Updated Jul 21, 2020

    Update: The Results Are In!

    Thanks for supporting us with your vote! The primary runoffs are over, and here’s how our endorsements did:

    Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. (District 27) - WON

    Representative Eddie Rodriguez (District 14) - up for another runoff

    Representative Roland Gutierrez (District 19) - WON

    Justin Berry (District 47) - WON

    Steve Hendrix (Van Zandt County Sheriff) - WON

    Read more

  • Helping Texas Pets & Their People by Recognizing the Link

    Incidents of interpersonal violence are reportedly rising as a disturbing consequence of stay-at home orders and recommendations to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. In this "Introduction to the Link" webinar, special guest Felicia Kerney, Chief of the Community Prosecution Unit, Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, will be discussing the Link and understanding of the dynamic connection between animal abuse and the cycle of family and societal violence while looking at real Texas cases.  We will also dissect how animal abuse interfaces with child, domestic and elder abuse. 

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  

    June 30, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Texas Lobbying 101 - Getting Political for Animals!

    Grassroots lobbying is one of the most effective ways for animal advocates to help pass animal welfare legislation! 

    Any animal lover can play a critical role in educating legislators on the animal protection issues impacting their communities.  This interactive "Introduction to Lobbying" workshop will show how anyone can be a powerful voice for animals during the 2023 legislative session.

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  



    June 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Animal Cruelty Awareness Month

    Apr 29, 2020

    The Lone Star State Has Made Major Strides in Preventing Animal Cruelty.

    “When I was a thoughtless boy, I took the life of a mother bird. I remember my father was greatly grieved and said, ‘Millard, do you realize what you have done? You have taken the life of a mother and have left her children to die of starvation in the nest. How would you like to have a great giant come along and kill your father and mother and leave you alone without food or care?‘ My father’s rebuke sank so deeply into my heart that since that day I never have taken the life of a living creature.”

    -Millard Fillmore, 13th President of the United States

    Read more

  • How COVID-19 is Affecting Texas Animals

    THLN has been inundated with questions surrounding COVD-19 so we decided to bring the experts to you.  We are proud to host this FREE webinar entitled, "How COVID-19 is Affecting Texas Animals". This webinar is a Q & A styled informal discussion with the following representatives: past President and President-elect of the Texas Animal Control Association (both of whom are urban and rural shelter directors), a shelter veterinarian, a non-profit humane society and an animal emergency and response team.

    When you RSVP below, you will automatically receive a confirmation email with the link to the webinar.  



    May 01, 2030 at 6:00pm

  • Calling all young animal advocates...Let's Get Political for Animals!

    Do you want your child to know more about the legislative process while teaching kindness and empathy? THLN is proud to host this FREE webinar entitled, "How Kids Can Get Political for Animals!This webinar will discuss laws that protect animals in Texas including local ordinances, how a bill becomes a law and the current bill we are working to pass that gives basic shelter to dogs that live outside.  If you are interested in teaching your child advocacy, how to use his or her voice for others who have none and raising a humane child in challenging times, this is the perfect webinar. 

    The lesson is one hour designed specifically for kids ages 9-13. 

    We use a cross-discipline approach that combines social studies, politics, writing, and advocacy.  Children trained to extend justice, kindness and mercy to animals become more just, kind and considerate in their relations to each other. Character training along these lines will result in more humane and law abiding men and women of broader sympathies.  We'll conclude by asking your child to write a letter to their State Representative and/or State Senator.  These letters will be shared on our social media so your child's compassion and advocacy can be seen and appreciated by animal advocates across the state. 

    Please note:  We will talk about animal cruelty.  Please trust your own judgement as to how your child will manage this.  We seek to teach and discuss, and certainly not to traumatize.

    When you RSVP below, you will automatically receive a confirmation email with the link to the webinar. 

    April 30, 2031 at 6:00pm

  • You can help make Texas a safer place for animals by spending just a few minutes of your time during the legislative session. By signing up for THLN's Action Alerts and responding to them with calls and emails to your legislators, you can help pass humane legislation that makes a huge difference to animals in the state of Texas. Every phone call and email help!

    Simply provide your information below and select how you want to stay in touch with us. Please check your email program to make sure your spam filters allow emails from the Texas Humane Legislation Network website.

    By submitting the form below, you are consenting to your information being shared with our sister organization, Texas Humane Network, a 501(c3), and to receive emails and other correspondence from Texas Humane Network.


    Click here to find your legislators

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I'm Pamela Campbell, a budding front-end web developer specializing in custom NationBuilder websites. My boyfriend calls me Pumpkin :)