An excellent way for you to support Texas Humane Legislation Network's mission is to leave us a bequest in your will, living trust, or with a codicil. One significant benefit of making a gift by bequest is that it allows you to continue to use the property you will leave to charity during your life. Another benefit is that you can leave a lasting legacy to advocate for animal welfare legislation for years to come.

If you are ready to include THLN in your bequests, please include a provision in your will, trust, or other estate document which includes the organization’s full name and Tax Identification Number – Texas Humane Legislation Network, TIN 75-2236932.

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If you are over 70 1/2, you can make QCD donations from your IRA, and
also maximize your contribution tax effectiveness if you have IRS RMD requirements - by the use of QCDs.

Consult your tax professional to find out more.


A donor-advised fund is a giving program that provides you favorable tax benefits while supporting our mission. Ask your financial advisor to designate a gift to Texas Humane Legislation Network. And please let us know when you do, so we can say thank you! If you have questions or to notify THLN of your DAF gift, please contact us at [email protected].
Need to book a hotel for vacation? Winspire has some fantastic hotel deals at up to 50% of retail value, and they will donate 10% of the value of your booking back to us. Visit to check out their deals and make a reservation. Please be sure to mention 'Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN)' when booking so we receive the 10% donation.

Do your regular online shopping through and they will send us a percentage of the value of your order (avg. 3%). Choose from over 2,100 online retailers such as PetCo, The Animal Rescue Site Store, Macys, Walgreens, etc. Just go to and register as a user, or log in if already a user, and then select Texas Humane Legislation Network as your charity!