Check out this webinar to hear from Mindi Callison, Executive Director, of Bailing Out Benji. Mindi will discuss all things puppy mills and focus on the ABCs of puppy mills, why regulating puppy mills is important, and why Texas is unique in terms of selling puppies from puppy mills in other states. Learn what we need to do now as advocates to help protect dogs currently in large-scale breeding facilities in Texas.
Mindi Callison is the Founder and Executive Director of the National nonprofit organization, Bailing Out Benji which focuses on the grassroots effort to combat the puppy mill industry. Mindi founded Bailing Out Benji at 21 years old after falling victim to the puppy mill industry by way of a local pet store, which offered her a credit card with high interest. Upon learning about the pet store/puppy mill connection and learning about the predatory lending practices that these stores utilize to take advantage of low-income families, Mindi knew that she needed to act. Bailing Out Benji and its research has been instrumental in passing humane ordinances across the country, they have also been one of the driving forces behind exposing the national puppy laundering scheme that is currently happening in numerous states.
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