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THLN Austin Advocacy Meeting

The Texas Humane Legislation Network cordially invites you to a gathering of our Central Texas Chapter to discuss the upcoming 2017 session and how you can get political for animals. We have 140 days to Legislate To Change Their Fate! Fierce friends to our animals, Representatives Celia Israel, Ina Minjarez and Gina Hinojosa will be in attendance to share their exciting plans to advance the humane treatment of animals this session. Bring your friends and come show your support! This event is open to the public, but we do ask that you RSVP so we can ensure seats for all. 

February 04, 2017 at 3:00pm - 5pm
WeWork Offices
11801 Domain Blvd
3rd Floor
Austin, TX 78758
United States
Google map and directions
Rachelle Robles ·
Susan McMahon David Kreye Teena Edwards Jo Jardina Nicole Jones Stacy Sutton Kerby Karen Jones Geena Hanlon Terra Hambly Donna Hull Jennifer Cothern Kenneth Beardsley Lisa Millner Andrew Forsythe Carri Crowe Carolyn Metchan Brenda Collier Tawny Hammond Bernie Fette Diane Long Elizabeth Morris Susannah Cooper Kimberly Burgan Louise Roberts Bg Little Dena Poudrier shana ellison Dave Spillar Angela Dorsey Ashley Morgan Darlene Wilson Larry McGinnis Audrey Tamez Elaine Byrne Chelsea Kotrla Regina Sartain Sherry Kreye Cynthia OBrien Eric Torberson Clare Seagraves Nancy Nemer Lisa Iguchi Dawn Ward Caroline Pavlinik Amy Lee Garcia Abigail Cameron Elizabeth Jatzlau Oscar Castillon

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