Thank you for your gift to the Texas Humane Network!

Your support keeps the Texas Humane Legislation Network fighting for more humane laws for animals. It’s up to compassionate and informed animal lovers everywhere to speak out against cruelty and abuse. Thank you for doing your part.


Showing 27 reactions

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  • Ann Knight
  • Terry Fender
    The work THLN does is essential to make sure the laws are doing all that is possible for the welfare of animals in Texas.
  • Cathy Woodson
    Thank you for all your hard work!
  • Felicia Karnadi
  • France Gillespie
    Thank you for all you do
  • France Gillespie
  • Melissa Hargrave
    Thank you for protecting our fur friends and family!
  • Richard and Barbara Eckert
    Thanks THLN for all that you do for our animals, they need all the help they can get!
  • Joanne Turner
    Thank you THLN, and all of your supporters for everything you do, and for whatever you did that got Gov Abbott to come around!!! I knew he knew immediately after his veto of the mistake he made, due to his posting photos of himself with his dog, as if that would make a difference.
  • Joanne Turner
  • James Michalski
    A terrific cause!
  • Sarah Tafolla
    Please donate! Thank you for all your hard work!!!
  • Jenni Ritchie
    The local animal control officers do not have enough resources to help all these animals. We need to have better laws and better enforcement.
  • Jeff Harper
    Dogs chained up in the recent cold should tell Texans all they need to know about the need to reform tethering laws. It is time to put dog abusers behind bars!
  • Paige Wilson
    Thanks to everyone who’s working on this! Let’s end tethering!
  • Oscar Cuellar
    God bless you for all the amazing work you do to give animals in Texas a voice. I support you 100%
  • howard ash
    i am so grateful for the hard work you do for tx. sweeties!
  • dell putman
  • Janet Dean
  • Mona Thaxton
  • Louise Epstein
  • Kathleen Milacek
    Thanks for all you do. This is a recurring monthly donation to keep up the good fight for the animals in Texas who don’t have a voice. Thank you also for ensuring that your meetings and annual conference are vegan nowdays, so no animals were harmed and so we don’t use our money to support the animal abusers in the factory farming industry. Thanks again! Kat
  • Darryl O'Brien
    These animals need our help now please help them
  • Debbie Ellis
    Thank you for your compassion and determination to make this a better Texas for all beings.
  • Catherine L Kazen
    Thanks THLN, for the organization that it takes to move humane treatment of pets to the forefront.. we act daily to raise awareness in our community and are eager to help pass sponsored bills into law.
  • Cindy Renouf
    Please help pass laws to outlaw chaining of animals and leaving them to suffer in the cold and heat
  • Francisco Pataro