Humane Lobby Day 2018!


You’re invited to join the Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN), the Houston Humane Society and the South Texas College of Law Animal Law Clinic for our first-ever Houston Animal Lobby Day!

The Texas legislature's 85th regular and special sessions have ended and, with the elections approaching, state lawmakers are back in their home districts and focused on constituent matters. Now is the time to educate your legislators on humane legislation! 2018 is also a critical year to use your voice for animals as there is urgent animal protection legislation pending in Congress.

Register for our Houston Animal Lobby Day today! Advocates will be trained on effective interim lobbying and on current state and federal legislative issues. Finally local state representatives and elected officials will be stopping by to meet you and hear your concerns for a more humane Texas. Lunch is provided. 

Don’t miss this great opportunity to network with other animal lovers, speak directly with legislators about passing stronger laws for animals and learn how you can make a big difference for animals in 2018!

-->CLEs for Texas attorneys pending! Students at the South Texas College of Law are scholarshiped thanks to our friends at the Houston Humane Society. Please email [email protected] for more information if you are a student.<--

Thank you for being their voice and helping us #LegislateToChangeTheirFate!


June 23, 2018 at 11:00am - 4pm
South Texas College of Law
1303 San Jacinto St
Houston, TX 77002
United States
Google map and directions
Louise Roberts · · 1-888-548-6263

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$20.00 General Admission

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