Central Texas Chapter Virtual Meeting: Pinot and Politics!

Grab a glass of wine and join us for a fun and informative 'virtual meeting' as we discuss some exciting Chapter updates and how you can advocate for Texas animals and THLN's priority legislation as we gear up for the upcoming legislative session!


Deadline to RSVP is 1:00pm Wednesday, April 22nd.

We will send you a link with easy instructions on how to join the meeting!

April 22, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Loretta Rowley Rosanne Tamez-Bouvier Jodi Bole Julie Klein Janet Bouchard Marlo Moore Ms. J Halbert Tammy Kemnitz Allen Leslie Key Elizabeth Gardner Jessica Son Linda Von Quintus Stacy Sutton Kerby Melissa Crandall Russell Donaldson Cynthia Jackson Lisa Apfelberg Rainbow Di Benedetto Emily Avila Miriam Mustelier Natalie Lynch Jenni Ritchie Kimber Marshall Michelle Wolff Gina Morgan Katy Fendrich-Turner Jennifer Heberlein

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