Central Texas Get-Together

Come join Lauren Loney and the THLN team at the next Central Texas Chapter get-together on Saturday, July 27th at 2:00 p.m. at Water 2 Wine to brainstorm and learn how you can plug in over the critical next 17 months.  If we have a group of 10 or more we can also get a 1-hour wine tasting for $15 per person! 

July 27, 2019 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Water 2 Wine, 3300 W Anderson Ln #304, Austin, TX 78757
Leala Vinson Heather Newby Nancy Bellows Megan Ransom Genevieve Davis Nadine Joli-Coeur Wendy Dearing Julie Welch Ashley Morgan shana ellison leslie currens Cheryl Dillis Debbie MacCarroll Stacy Sutton Kerby Erin Van Landingham Kathy McCaston Mary Alvarez Cj johnson Natalie Lynch

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