Tracy Wadle

  • Texas Civil Seizure Law for Animals: Texas' Best Kept Secret

    Under Texas law, animals seized as evidence under the Texas Penal Code may be held for long periods of time while the arrested violator’s criminal trial makes its way through the justice system. Many don't know about the civil seizure law wherein abused animals can be seized under the Texas Health and Safety Code, which carries less of a burden of proof, no arrest, and allows the animals' disposition within a ten-day period, pending any appeals. In this webinar, learn all about the Texas civil seizure law, when to use it and how it is a great alternative in removing cruelly treated animals. 

    Animal lawyer and animal law expert Lara Tomlin is an appellate attorney at the Denton County District Attorney's office. She is board certified in Criminal Appellate Law and handles animal-related cases, including seizure hearings for cruelly treated animals. She has also served on the Denton Animal Support Foundation board of directors, an organization that supports the Denton Animal Shelter. 

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  

    April 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Service & Emotional Support Animals: the Dos and Don’ts on Animal Accommodation Laws for Texas Cities

    Under Texas law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities may bring their service animals to all public accommodations, such as government buildings, hotels, restaurants, stadiums, and stores. These laws also require those who operate transportation services to allow service animals. But recent trends show confusion with emotional support animals and the varying definitions.

    Animal Law Expert and Animal Lawyer Randy Turner will present on service animals and emotional support animals as defined by federal laws and supporting state laws. This one hour webinar will examine how cities and municipalities can follow federal and state laws in accordance with handling these animals and how to avoid the pitfalls in applying these laws in their own cities.

    When you RSVP, you will automatically land on a page with the webinar.  

    April 01, 2029 at 6:00pm

  • Webinar Wednesday: A Deep Dive into Texas Animal Bills

    PRESENTER: Jaime Olin

    With so many bills filed each session, it can be difficult to know which ones really matter, and how they will impact Texas animals if passed. This webinar will explore several key pieces of legislation that will be at the Capitol in 2021, including the Safe Outdoor Dogs bill, the Licensed Breeders Program, the Working Animals bill, and the Possession Ban bill. We’ll talk about the details and importance of each bill, the implications to animals, and answer any of your questions so you’ll be armed with all the relevant information as we make our way into the Session.

    After signup below you will receive an auto-response email with a link to the webinar.


    February 28, 2029 at 12:00pm

  • Webinar Update on New Laws and Service & Emotional Support Animals

    Animal Law Expert and Animal Lawyer Randy Turner provides an update to changes to laws and service animals and emotional support animals.  

    Under Texas law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities may bring their service animals to all public accommodations, such as government buildings, hotels, restaurants, stadiums, and stores. These laws also require those who operate transportation services to allow service animals. But recent trends show confusion with emotional support animals and the varying definitions.

    When you RSVP, you will receive an email with a link to the webinar. 

    June 01, 2027 at 6:00pm