Dorothy Hyatt

  • What Governor Abbott did is unacceptable. Politics have no place in the protection of animals. I do not care what side of the aisle you are on. Animals, like children, are our responsibility. Totally disgusting behavior. Everyone should go to his website, and encourage all the people they know to do the same, and send a clear message that this will cost him votes, as it should. Since he is a politician I do believe that is the only thing that gets through to any of them. We must always remember that just a few moments of our time to support the work of THLN by voicing our opinions to the powers that be in our state, can, should and will make a difference because we are the only voices these poor animals have and united we are a significant force. Post to your FB pages, Nextdoor feeds, any place you can to unite others in the common cause of protecting outdoor dogs.