Originally Published in: News Channel 6
Published on: Feb 25, 2024
Written By: Blake Hill
Texas (KAUZ) - Members of the Young County community came together to discuss animal welfare laws passed during the 88th legislative session.
This meeting comes just one year after the passing of a dog named Niko in Graham, whose death shook the community.
In the 88th legislative session, some new laws protecting animals in Texas were passed, like the service dog law and the five year possession ban for people convicted of felony animal cruelty.
“Give just general citizens time to ask questions about what’s happening in the state of Texas, whether it’s do I need to have my dogs spayed or neutered, or can you sell animals on the side of the road,” Texas Humane Legislation Network Executive Director, Shelby Bobosky said.
While it’s not required by law, pet owners are encouraged to have their pets spayed and neutered, and as of the 88th legislative session it is illegal to sell animals in a parking lot or on the side of the road.
According to Bobosky, abusing animals is a clear sign of other areas where a person may be unstable, and someone abusing animals is likely going to abuse people later on.
“We need to start taking animal cruelty seriously. I think the Uvalde SHooting is a perfect example, so if you have a District Attorney or a Sheriff that does not take animal cruelty seriously, is not taking animal cruelty cases, I want to remind the citizens that they are an elected position. You need to find a candidate that will take animal cruelty seriously,” Bobosky said.
Animal abuse is a felony in Texas, but according to Bobosky, it isn’t usually reported or treated like it should be.
Members at the meeting are hoping to see that change.
“If anybody is abusing animals on social media, please report it. If you see something say something because if they are so brazen to commit the crime in public and in front of people, then there’s no telling what will happen next. So if you see something, say something, it’s so important,” Bobosky said.