Round Rock Chief of Police Allen Banks: Canine Encounter Training Success in Round Rock

Please join us for our spring chapter meeting featuring Round Rock Chief of Police Allen Banks. Chief Banks will give a presentation on safe and successful encounters between pets and law enforcement. A brief Q & A will follow the presentation. This meeting is FREE and open to the public, but we do ask that you RSVP so that we are sure to have enough seating.

May 07, 2016 at 10:30am - 12pm
Austin Library - Windsor Park Branch
5833 Westminster Dr
Austin, TX 78723
United States
Google map and directions
Eric Torberson Susan Hightower Andrew Forsythe Shannon Douglass Donna Hull Clare Seagraves Donna Monroe Melissa Crandall Cristy Howard Kimber Marshall Joan Kaim

Who's RSVPing

Susan Hightower
Cedar Creek
Andrew Forsythe
Donna Hull
Lago Vista
Donna Monroe
Cristy Howard
Kimber Marshall
Round Rock
Joan Kaim

Will you come?

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