In 2011 the Texas Humane Legislation Network was instrumental in passing HB 1451, which licenses and regulates large scale commercial dog and cat breeders.
The Dog and Cat Breeder Act provides basic protections for tens of thousands of dogs and cats confined and raised in large scale breeding facilities by requiring humane housing and care standards and needed veterinary care. The law is administered and enforced by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and requires periodic inspections and annual veterinary care.
Who must be licensed?
Anyone who has 11 or more adult intact female dogs and /or cats and who sells or offers to sell 20 or more dogs or cats in a calendar year must be licensed. The law provides exemptions for certain types of dog breeding, including dogs, bred for herding livestock, hunting , or competing in field trials.
Where can I read the program statute and rules?
View the statute and administrative rules here.
How do I file a complaint against a breeding operation?
If you believe someone should be a licensed breeder, but is not licensed, you can file a complaint online by clicking this link here. (If you do not know if a person or company is licensed, use the Unlicensed Activity option.)
If a breeder is operating without a license but meets the requirements for licensure, the business will be subject to enforcement actions, including administrative penalties and sanctions. In addition if you believe there are animal cruelty violations occurring, you should also contact your local animal control authority.
How do breeders get licensed?
Send a completed application and fee. All forms for licensing can be downloaded here. Application fees are $300 if you own 11-25 females; or $500 if you own 26 or more females. Application fees are non-refundable.
About the Legislation

HB 1451 The Dog and Cat Breeder Act
Bill Caption: Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain dog and cat breeders; providing penalties. Effective Immediately on: June 17, 2011 Authors: Thompson | Pitts | Rodriguez, Eddie | Lucio III | Branch Coauthors: Hartnett | Johnson | King, Phil | Laubenberg | MarquezSponsor: WhitmireCosponsor: Ellis