Originally Published in: The Houston Chronicle
Published on: June 20, 2023
Written By: Sonia Garcia
Animal rights advocates were practically purring in approval after four bills regarding the protection of household pets were signed into Texas law after the legislative session.
Bills concerning puppy mills, service animal fraud, trap-neuter-return programs and animal cruelty are to go into effect later this year with one effective immediately. The Texas Humane Legislation Network, a nonprofit that advocates for Texas animals at the state capital, played a part in the bills and celebrated what it considered victories Tuesday.
The organization's director said in her experience, most bills take multiple legislative sessions to pass, so it was an amazing feat four became law this session.
“Texas has effectuated change for thousands of animals with the passage of four major bills," Shelby Bobosky, the network's executive director, said according to a statement. "This session has been incredible for animals, the people that love them and our communities."