Dr. Gina Gagen arrived in Houston in 1984. She continues to call Houston home, but her correctional career has taken her to other parts of TX, AZ, and VA. Gina has been extensively involved in rescue work all of her adult life – transporting, advocating, volunteering, funding, educating, being a liaison and much more for any animal in need. As a Texan, Gina is acutely aware of the issues animals in Texas face – which led her to align with THLN over a decade ago.
Educationally, Gina has earned a Bachelor's in Psychology and in Sociology, a Master's Degree in Psychology, a Master's of Business ADministration in Healthcare Administration, and a Doctorate of Education in Counseling Psychology.
Gina combined her knowledge of mental health with a career in the field of corrections, where she remains today after 17 years. In addition, Gina is also a college professor of psychology, sociology and chemical dependency courses for three colleges/universities.
Gina recently moved to El Paso with her four (fur) kids – Nemo, Madison, Delilah, and Greta.