REGISTER TODAY - This is NOT a THLN event, but will include a THLN speaker.
Animal Law CLE
Friday, January 20, 2023
9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Texas Law Center
1414 Colorado Street, Austin
5.5 hours MCLE credit, including 1 hour ethics credit
Dear Animal Law Listserve Members:
Please help us spread the word about the upcoming Animal Law Section CLE, scheduled for Friday, January 20 at the Texas Law Center in Austin. This will be a live, in-person program only, with no streaming or recorded playback option. Feel free to forward this message to any friends or colleagues you think may be interested in attending, or share this eblast advertising link. Don't forget to register for yourself as well! You can download the brochure to view the full array of top-notch speakers we have lined up, presenting on fascinating CLE topics including:
Texas Legislative Update
- What You Need to Know About Persons with Disabilities and Their Animals with Respect to the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Breed Discrimination in the Homeowners Insurance Industry
- Attorney Wellness and Secondary Trauma
- Is It a Statutory or Political Dangerous Dog Case?
- How 3 Collies Turned into 150+ Collies: A Legal Saga Involving an Ownership Dispute, Animal Cruelty, Federal Bankruptcy, a Federal Animal Seizure and State & Federal Crimes
Along with our outstanding topics, this year's program will include breakfast, lunch, a tribute to the late Skip Trimble and our annual section membership meeting.
We hope to see you there!
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