GOAL: 20,000 signatures

Take Action to Prevent Puppy Mills in Texas!

SIGN OUR PETITION: Tell Texas Legislators NOT to Eliminate Important Animal Protections!  

The Problem.

The Texas legislature is preparing to gut the state program that prevents unregulated puppy mills. Since 2011, the Texas Dog & Cat Breeder Act has given the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) the right to regulate the conditions in large-scale animal breeding facilities. Without this Act, unregulated, large scale breeding facilities could likely become inhumane puppy mills producing dogs for profit in the cruelest conditions.


In 2011, THLN helped pass the Texas Dog & Cat Breeder Act to regulate the conditions in large-scale dog and cat breeding facilities. The law, the first of its kind in Texas, has prevented inhumane puppy mills with requirements and inspections of these facilities.

By law, Texas requires a "Sunset Review" of each state agency every 12 years to determine whether that agency should continue to exist. The state agency that oversees this Program, TDLR is currently under its “Sunset Review” and must be reauthorized by the Texas Legislature during the 2021 Session. Last month, the preliminary Sunset Review report recommended that this Program is eliminated.

How YOU Can Make a Difference!

We must remind Texas legislators of the importance of this Program. 

Elimination of the Program means zero regulations for those profiting off puppies. The absence of even the most basic minimum care standards will lead to horrific puppy mills, causing thousands of dogs and cats will suffer a lifetime of neglect.

THLN’s goals are first to protect this incredibly important Program and then fix the existing loopholes to strengthen it.

NOW is the time for action. Please help us change the fate of thousands of animals in commercial breeding facilities by signing and sharing our Petition today. When you sign our Petition, your state representative and state senator will know you support the regulation of large-scale animal breeding facilities.

To ensure the Petition’s validity and efficiency, please include your full address so we can notify your state senator and representative of your support.

Texas residents only.

Thank you for signing!


Who's signing

Jo Ann Marek
Port Lavaca
Jazmin Bermudez
Molly Brodnax
Mary Alvarez
Canyon Lake
Ann Knight
Kathryn Hansen
Ft. Worth
Pam Chao
Tonya Ehret
Fort Worth
Kevin Kirksey
Tony Carrillo
San Antonio
Sarah Desousa
Spring Branch
Nancy Faulk
Tacy Smith
Missouri City
Amber Hodges
Melissa Barrios
Constance Munch
Debra Fryatt
San Antonio
Chris Schwark
Abby Larson
Alexander McLachlan
Kathy Tracy
Diane Dixon
Phyllis McElroy
The Colony

Will you sign?

Please provide your address! It is the only way we can know your legislative districts and send you critical action regarding *your* specific lawmakers.

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