GOAL: 20,000 signatures

SIGN OUR PETITION: Tell Texas Legislators Dogs Deserve Adequate Shelter


Every year we receive hundreds of calls and emails about dogs left outside suffering in the extreme Texas weather. We know law enforcement, the media, and everyday Texans are sometimes helpless to do anything when they see a dog succumbing to a heat stroke. That’s partly because every jurisdiction in Texas handles these cases differently. Why? Because we do not have a single definition of “adequate shelter” that everyone can use. If the horror stories of animals freezing to death or dying in the Texas heat haunt you, you can do something NOW.


Please help us change the fate of Texas animals. They can’t afford to wait.

Passing our tethering bill next session will allow us to include a statewide definition of "adequate shelter" as a minimum standard of shelter that all pet owners should have to meet. Once we have this definition in place, local law enforcement and animal control officers will be able to act swiftly.


Sign and share our petition today.


Who's signing

Karen Griggs
St. Petersburg
Pat Rodriguez
Susan Anderson
Kailua Kona
ruby Kovar
Yvonne Morgan
Elysia Hulings
San Antonio
Chris May
Round Rock
Raymond Mendiola
Kati Floria
Paola Duarte
El Paso
Laura Hoke

Will you sign?

Please provide your address! It is the only way we can know your legislative districts and send you critical action regarding *your* specific lawmakers.

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